Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page! Here, we aim to address common inquiries and provide clarity on various aspects of our services. Whether you're a new visitor or a returning customer, we hope this resource helps you find the answers you're looking for. If you don't see your question listed below, feel free to reach out to us directly, and we'll be happy to assist you further.

First and foremost, kindly request the traveler to provide a valid identification card and their travel ticket. During the package delivery, make an effort to deliver the package to the permanent residence address of the traveler or their family at the origin whenever possible. To avoid any ambiguity and misunderstandings, it is recommended to draft a simple document between the traveler and the package sender. This document should include the details and quantity of the items in the package, as well as the information of the traveler and the package sender. Both parties should sign this document in two copies. Make sure to request the traveler/package sender to provide their contact number in the origin and destination countries for any additional information and immediate communication. These measures contribute to ensuring the successful delivery of the package and establishing secure relationships between the traveler and the sender.
If the traveler does not respond after receiving the package, promptly inform the support team. Make sure that you have adhered to all the package delivery principles according to the platform's rules before handing over the package. Otherwise, tracking may not be possible.
Chaparland support team is available 24/7 in both Persian and English languages via phone, online chat, and email ( to assist you with any questions. Additionally, you can find helpful articles on our website.پ
Typically, the shipping cost is paid at the destination, but this matter may be subject to specific agreements.
The registration fee and potential customs charges are typically the responsibility of the sender of the package
Notifying the traveler or the package sender should be done at least 48 hours before the scheduled sending time. Using the internal chat as an efficient means for this notification is recommended. In case of non-notification and the support team's confirmation of users being uninformed, the user's account will be suspended.
By reading previous user reviews, the received ratings, and stars for each traveler, you can ensure the reliability of that traveler. Additionally, the green tick confirming the traveler's verification, ticket, and details will be a symbol of trust that will be added to the platform in the future.
The amounts are determined transparently by users. This transparency creates a secure and healthy competitive environment for users. Costs are assessed fairly based on weight (between 20 to 30 Canadian dollars per kilogram) and depending on the volume of documents (between 10 to 25 Canadian dollars) in 2024 and may vary based on seasons and contractual conditions
In the event of a package seizure by customs or border police, the traveler is obligated to obtain a document from the police indicating the confiscation of the shipment. This document should be provided to both the sender of the package and the support team, and responsibility thereafter does not lie with the traveler.